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Bubble Charts

Bar Charts

Ranking Charts

Efficient Frontier Charts

Sensitivity Charts


The Modify Selection Form'

The Modify Selection Form lets you modify a selection of multiple items in an open Portfolio. You can modify any item form field except the item name. The form has three areas:

  • Buttons that lets you select what item value you want to modify
  • A popup menu that lets you select the specific column or attribute that you want to modify
  • Color and pattern controls that let you set a specific color or pattern or pattern color for a selection of items

Using the Modify Selection Form

When you select one or more items in an open Portfolio form, the "Modify Selection..." menu item in the Portfolios menu becomes enabled. When you select "Modify Selection...", the selected (highlighted) items are automatically displayed as a subset in the Portfolio form, and the Modify Selection form is opened. You then select the item data that you want to modify from the button row on the top of the form:

  • The [Data] button lets you select the item data object you want to change
  • The [Use Equation] button lets you apply simple mathematical equations to columns
  • The [Color] button lets you select a color for a selection of items
  • The [Pattern] button lets you select a pattern for a selection of items
  • The [Pattern Color] button lets you select a pattern color for a selection of items

Since you can only modify one data object at a time, the associated form objects become enabled or disabled as you select different buttons.

The fields to the right of the Attribute drop-down menus only become enabled after a selection has been made in the respective menus. For the Attribute Value drop-down menu, the type of data entry object that is displayed is dependent on the Attribute selection:

  • For "Selected", a check box is displayed. This will add a check mark to the "Selected" column for the selected projects.
  • For "Blinking", a check box is displayed. This will turn-on bubble blinking for the selected projects.
  • For numerical attributes, a field for entering numerical values is displayed
  • For date attribute columns, a field for entering date values is displayed
  • For short text attribute columns, a field for entering text values is displayed

To Modify a Selection of Projects:

  • Open the Portfolio containing the items that you want to modify, and select the items that you want to modify.
  • Choose the "Modify Selection..." menu item from the Portfolio menu.
  • Click on the button corresponding to the data type that you want to modify. The form objects associated with that button will become enabled.
  • Make a selection from the corresponding drop-down menus for attributes (or controls for color or pattern).
  • Enter the new value for the items.
  • Click [Modify] to make the change and close the form.

Modify Selection Form Drop-down Menu

Attribute drop-down menu: Click to select an item data object. This is button enabled after the [Data] or [Use Equation] button has been clicked. Note that when [Use Equation] is selected, only column attributes with numerical data are displayed in the menu. Date-formatted and Short Text-formatted columns cannot be used with equations.

Modify Selection Check box

[Use Only Weighted Values in Equation] check box: Select this checkbox to use the calculated weighted values instead of the raw attribute values when doing calculations.

Modify Selection Pop-Up Menus

Color: Click on the color square to open the color picker to select a color for the projects in the selection.

Pattern Palette: Click on the pattern square to select a pattern for the projects in the selection from a drop-down selection of 64 patterns.

Pattern Color: Click on the color square to open the color picker to select a color for selected the bubble pattern for the projects in the selection.

Modify Selection Form Buttons

[Data]: Click to modify an Attribute data object including "selected."

[Use Equation]: Click to modify an Attribute data object using an equation. See more below.

[Color]: Click to modify a color for the projects in the selection

[Pattern]: Click to modify a pattern for the projects in the selection

[Pattern Color]: Click to modify a pattern color the projects in the selection

[Cancel]: Click to cancel and close the form

[Modify]: Click to perform the modification and close the form

Using Equations:

Clicking the [Use Equation] button lets you apply simple mathematical equations to numerical attribute columns of the selected rows. You cannot perform operations on Date-formatted or Short Text formatted columns.

The mathematical operations only include:

  • + for addition
  • - for subtraction
  • / for division
  • * for multiplication

The equations are written in a similar fashion to a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel®. You reference attribute columns using the column's alphabetic label in the column header (A, B, C, etc.). Note that column letter-names must be capitalized.

Order of operations: Optsee® uses the same order of operations as Microsoft Excel®, which is not strictly "parenthesis, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction." It is generally parenthesis first followed by left to right. For example:

  • Using strict order of operations: (3+5)/2*2=2
  • Using Optsee® or Microsoft Excel®: (3+5)/2*2=8
  • To control order of operations, use parentheses: (3+5)/(2*2)=2

In the example below, the cells in column H will be modified to contain the sum of columns A+B+C: